26 December 2010

New Gunpla Teaser

Behold...OO Qan[T] is here!!!
I guess I am not that desperate for a MasterGrade kit yet, so I think I am better off with the HighGrade kit first...cheaper too! ^^

Exia (Left) : Hey u smell something weird?
OO (Middle) : Yeah, maybe it has to do with the new kid's feet.
Qan[T] (Right) : =.=''' I smell jealousy...

Gonna get my HG Sinanju next! =)

ryo signing off, it's a busy holiday building gunpla kits, in a good way though...^^

16 December 2010


最期待的 Finale 终于来了!
Freedom 就近在眼前了!
OK 回去温习了。。。


9 December 2010

Skewed Thought

Wooo~ Tomorrow's QA's turn to perish!!! Muahahahaha
Been studied day & night, Joe & Jane, Billy & Nanny, filling my head with all the maths formulas that had escaped from me once and now there is no space left for my brain, so I have no choice but to have them oozed out through my left nostril. I suspect that is the main reason people are looking at me with weird eyes these few days. Perhaps the hanging part enhanced my lovely appearance more...NOT!!!
As a self-loving maniac, there is no way I can let that happen.
But if that's the price for being able to memorize all formulas, why not? =) I will only look weird for 3 hours, after that I will just push the oozed-out part back, with a chopstick...
Again, why not?


5 December 2010



1 December 2010


白主公差一点就从椅子上摔下来,这次死定了,难搞的Assignment西洋军才被击退,现在考丞相竟然想趁白方精尽人亡的时候把白国拿下?呸!正所谓兵不厌诈啊~ 只好赶紧拜托五糊将商量对策。虽然白军只剩下两万一老弱残兵,可是不反驳的话,就会白白被灭了,到时候这个让人没面子的事情就会被在路边种树的人一直传下去,那白主公这个名字不就会被一百年后坐在树下的人嘲笑,那可像话?


21 November 2010


Hey, I just wanna say....
Prom suX without you...
I should have cancelled my plan of going to the prom when you rejected my offer in the first place...
It's not a prom without you, it's just an ordinary dinner with band performance and boring fashion show...

Signing off, everything suX without you...

19 November 2010

Gunpla interest gone? For good? For bad?

I hate to say this but it's true, I think I've lost some of my passionate souls in Gunpla-ing.
How can this be happening? @@
I like Gundam, and I sure love fixing them from scratch. Usually I will get my gunpla fixed as soon as I bought it from the hobby shop. But lately, terrible things happened...It's almost a month already yet the premature gunpla is still far from completion!!! I mean, I got my 00 and Exia R2 Gundam fixed fresh out from their four-point harness incubators. But this time, it's just...worrying.

Left: Exia R2 @ Right: OO

The premature Gundam has a name , though. It's called Cherudim Fighter GNHW/A. Yup, it's a knockoff from GaoGao, because things made in China are always cheaper than things made in Japan. And so I surrendered for the sake of cheap and cheerful~ (Actually, it's not cheap at all, I paid RM22 for the knockoff...T_T)
The real stuff would cost me around RM70+, but if I'd be given a chance again, I wouldn't buy it at all, not even the knockoff one, cuz' it's not the model that I really fancy...I have no idea why I bought it at the first place...
Anyways, check this out!!!

The long awaited MG OO QAN[T] is out!!!
Deeply in love with this kit, will get it soon, for sure!

ryo signing off, feel like giving away the knockoff Cherudim when finished. Adoption, anyone?

18 November 2010

New Layout

Okay, changed new layout...Superb it looks, I think...At least this is better than the previous one, ya' know? The one with a green bird...Yeap, it's now flying sadly in the dimension of Internet trash which is full of deleted cookies and temporary Internet files...Muahahahaha~ I am evil, thanks for the compliment. =)

Right, get back to revision for tomorrow's Quantitative Analysis Test 2!!!
Cao peeps~

ryo signing off, brb, soon, I supposed...

14 November 2010




ryo上,任务完成,睡觉去咯~ zZzZzZ~

11 November 2010

156th, dedicated to you.

Argh~ Facebook keeps on showing your photo albums in the Friend's Photo Album section. Well, I don't hate that, it's just that that kinda reminds me of how pathetic I am on the quest to pursue your love. It's been three years since my love at second sight on you. For love at first sight haters, look carefully, it's LOVE AT SECOND SIGHT~ So it's not rubbish. Hahaha~
Ran a Facebook App to get a romantic message, and got this:

"If you are afraid to confess your love because of friendship, you are left with 2 choices. One, lose that friendship and bet on her love. Two, lose the love to maintain your "friendship" for the rest of your life.

I was gobsmacked when I saw that. It's true. I am trying so hard to be your friend when the only thing that I really want is your love. That, in English, is lying to myself. I've lied to myself for 3 years!!! But, I guess I'll keep lying and keep it all to myself until this heart dies, and watch somebody else snatches your heart away. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I feel so shabby standing next to your charm, ya' know? It's like so close yet so far apart... The feeling, is like mix fruit punch, you can never tell what's inside. Yet, it would be nice if I can take a sip, just a sip eh? It's not wrong to dream...Hehehe~

Kaboom!!! I was writing this and you commented on my status! I supposed the Devil (Search for my status on Facebook for more info. XD) helped a bit too huh? Kudos to the coincidence! But too bad it's not the meeting that I have longed for so long. Anyways, it's better than nothing, better than multivitamins too!

ryo signing off, I need vitamin S...

10 November 2010

Overlap Post (It's boring, read it at your own risk! I've warned you...)

It's boring, boring and...boring.
Guess that's a good reason to blog in English in the middle of the night?
Wait, wadaya mean by no? What else can you do in between Wednesday and Thursday? In the late night, where boringness and sadness as well as loneliness found their ways out of their tombs? Thanks for the reminder, now I am starting to feel lonely, and I am sad because I can't call you, because It'd be awkward as I am not supposed to know your number, mainly because you never gave it to me, and that leads me to me and my boring assignments, and that leads me to this column I am typing now. See? I've typed almost a century of English alphabets out of boredom. Hands down to me!!!
It's 1150 now, almost Thursday. Let's recall a bit before the Wednesday goes to bed. Let see...I've wasted a bit of my Wednesday surfing Youtube, playing Backyard Monster, driving recklessly, fattening up myself and finally, blogging. It's actually a miracle that I didn't wasted my Wednesday for a nap today. I would have did that in the last Wednesday. WEDNESDAY, a magical day. I only have 2 hours of lectures on Wednesday. But I wonder why they were separated to a 1030-1130 session and a 130-230 session. Maybe it's because that they are 2 different subjects? Never mind~
1157. I need a 7 minutes gap in between timeline to complete the paragraph above!!! Looks like my English is going down the hill, straight into a endless canyon filled with Mandarin speaking ducks. Alas! Now I know why people call them Mandarin duck! Because they speak Mandarin. Simple.
Oh look, it's 1201, Happy Thursday. Good morning and perhaps it's time to continue my assignments. Be back soon, I promise, as soon as I managed to discharge my brain filled with 1.21 gigawatts of your images, and my dog's, you and him are kinda similar, ya' know? Quiet, cute, and....just kidding. Sweet Dreams.

ryo signing off, great scott!!!

6 November 2010


If you believe that you belong to him,
promise me that you will not let anyone hurt you.
But, please remember that I will always be here for you,
even if it kills me to see you in that wedding dress...

2 November 2010


星期四就要正式开会了,队员们还是不冷不热酱,加他们给idea都叫到偶快吐血了咯。 拜托,you people don't care about this meeting, but I do! In case you people need to be reminded, it's 25% we're talking about here, hello!!!
下个星期还有计算机程式要交, 后个星期又来一个团队presentation加报告,可是偶都还没开始做呢,然后还有一个还未发下来的电脑程式assignment。。。要命不要命?想酱多也没用,今天又发了新的Access Assignment。。。=.=''' 靠腰啦~
要不要都得做,要不然下个学期就是偶当Super Senior了。可是也太过分了吧,全部一起冲过来,你有看过武打片全部坏人一起上的昧?


1 November 2010




28 October 2010



:不,不出席了,我已经不是学生了啊,况且我觉得我的朋友应该都不会去。呵呵呵~ 你有去啊?

:嗯,今年打算去哦,已经最后一年了嘛~ 要不要加入?呵呵~

:哦,谢谢~ 之前的舞会好玩吗?

:哦。。。还蛮期待的~ 不过花?我不会买吧~ 我的心仪对象已近不是大学的一分子了。。。哈哈哈~
:你去舞会的时候就不会这样想了,很多美女啊你知道吗?你在舞会将会见识到她们有多漂亮。。。你可有眼福了。哈哈~ (这一句很伤我的心咯。。。T_T)



:一定,谢谢~ (无奈。。。=.=''')



26 October 2010


靠腰~ 老天爷,你在和偶玩游戏吗?

28 September 2010



12 September 2010

Pod Crush

I am in LOVE~!!!
It's in capital, because I'm really in LOVE~ with the new Apple iPod Touch 4G!!!
LOVE as in a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Well, in this case, a non-living machine with a fruity name.
Ahhh~ Here's the snapshot of one, courtesy of Apple's image gallery. Look at it, it's such a beauty, inside and outside. It comes with everything you can find on the iPhone 4, except the 5 Megapixels camera and obviously, the phone function. Fear not! Because the new iTouch is bundled with lots of cool new features such as:

1. Facetime - All iPod or iPhone users can perform video calls for free providing that Internet connection is available. So basically, it's an iPhone, without the phone. LIKE!!! this new feature.

2. Retina Display - Apple pioneered display boosts the resolution of the 3.5 inches screen up to 960x640, just in case you need to see things more clearly. Woots!

3. HD Video - The new Touch captures HD video up to a resolution of 1280x720. However, the quality of still shot image is not even up to the standard of an old iPhone's 2mp camera, as the Touch possesses only a 0.7 mp hardware. Weird huh? @@

There are more, but I'll leave it to you guys to check the specs yourselves.
Now...the price?
8gb - RM829
32gb - RM1079
64gb - RM1399
I would say that the 8gb version is a little bit pricey, it's approx. RM50 more than the predecessor, I would recommend to go for the 32gb, mainly because it is a better deal, why? Because I'm getting one soon!!! Cheers!!!

ryo signing off, now...where's my piggy bank?

9 September 2010


要谈生活空虚,我很忙的喂~ 哈哈哈!


31 August 2010

Missing Phone

In Sushi King!!!
And my friends and I were the last to leave some more!!!
Screw you THIEF!!! BURN IN HELL!!!

25 August 2010

Man on Fire

I am a man on fire!!! RAWR~!!!
Splash! Ok, I'm cool. No, I'm not!!!
First, I get potholes in my timetable!
Now, a replacement class on the 31st August? What the shell is wrong with Earth? I thought global warming has found its solution? Okay, forget the timetable. But before I forget, one more thing. HELLO? 31st August is supposed to be a public holiday! It always is! At least in Malaysia...But this is Malaysia! For a dog's sake, call yourself a....whatever! 31st August is the day where we're free from the British, but you expect me to attend your replacement class for English? I'd tell you to get lost if I wanna fail badly.
I am so gonna complain this matter to the Admin department, oh wait, I'll be attending your class tomorrow morning, maybe we should talk about this matter...in a civilised way, if you don't prod me.

ryo signing off, screwwwwwwww U!!!

23 August 2010



22 August 2010

Me is goin bak to skoollllll~

Tomorrow school's gonna start, I was petrified.
Keep thinking that I could never live through my final sem.
But I spent so many nights thinking how my dad can do me wrong.
I will survive, I will survive! Eh eh~

Yes!!! Today's Sunday, the last day of my holiday, poor me had to work on this meaningful day, or else I would have flush my money into erm....maybe a feast? Big one? So big that it could drive me into obesity. Oh forget about the eating, I already feel that I can hardly fit in my jeans these few weeks... T_T I need to cut some weight in the new sem. Maybe I will join the gym, or maybe I will go jogging more frequently. I will do anything, ANYTHING but please don't ask me to stop eating...ANYTHING!

Now, talk about the resolution for this semester. I wish for all HDs!!! Wait, this is not wishing section, shoo shoo~ But HDs are nice, so I will tolerate with that. Sufficient sleep is also what I'm gonna need. I've been a late sleeper for almost one year already. Reason unknown. Only I know. Hahahaha!!! And lastly~ a relationship, perhaps? I've met so many good girls and....let all of them slipped away...lol Maybe it's time to strike eh? For the sake of food!!! Damn it, I need to get food out of my mind~ Oh oh~ And Imma getting myself a DSLR!!! Chiong ar~

Oh look at the time, it's almost 9PM!!! Almost forgot my meeting with 周公!!! Great Scott!!! For all that bombshells goodbye and good night!

ryo signing off, I will survive~ Salute to you, Gloria Gaynor!

15 August 2010


Okay, so 8 more days before the final semester kicks in, I've watched 16 episodes of Vampire Diaries and in love with Annabelle the cute vampire, my friend saw my dream girl at the Kuching Festival, and finally, here I am, blogging, clearing my boggled mind. Time flies, no, it warps, so fast that I am only spared to see the last few days of my freedom. A lot happened during the break. I turned 21, I turned into a sleepy head, I've added more fat to my body, I turned into a vampire~ Ignore the last point. :p
Few days ago I came across a quote on Facebook and thought that it's worthy to spend 5 seconds to read it, or maybe 6, suit yourself. It said:

"It's better to lose your pride to the one you love,

than to lose the one you love because of pride."

KABOOM!!! It all make sense!!! Now I finally know that what's holding my confession for so many centuries! Great Scott!!! It's the "P" word!!! Shhh....it's wat pepo called "PRIDE". Now Shhhhh...please. For three years, three years!!! I am not willing to let go of my pride to go before the girl that stole my heart at first sight and say:"Hey, umm...I think I'm in love with you." Hahaha~ What am I? Zeus? Not even half. Obama? Not as tan. Winston Churchill? Not as old. Then for what am I holding to my pride? For sad, sorrow and loneliness? Damn it! I must've knocked my head or lost my balls once upon a time. I've got this girl slipped through me countless time before, but I never really take the leap on my prey. Now, it's hard enough just to see her again. If I lose her there will definitely be heartache, frown, chips and maybe some booze. Three years, I could have her during that period, but I just didn't go for it. And now I'm quite regret for what I've not done. I feel like crying, but I can't, because I have to hold on to my pride. Unless I am willing to let go of my ego, or she can never be mine. Period.

Pride and Prejudice? Oh I love Keira...Ahem! I mean, I love this movie.

ryo signing off, maybe I can ooze some love from my pride...

12 August 2010


21, hmmm, an interesting figure. It can represent a lot of things, but I'll stick to what it means for us, homo sapiens, on Earth. More specifically, in Malaysia. Well, as a 21 years old Malaysian, I can vote, yes, vote for election, but no, I don't feel like voting, even though I know that my dad's gonna sweep me with AK47 if he sees this. And I don't feel like celebrating my birthday with voting, yuck~ Yes, there are a lot of people who say every vote makes a difference. But hello? I am not one of them.
Next, being a 21 years old Malaysian, I can go into casino! But no, I am not the gamble type, even though I like Gambit (Never heard of Gambit? Refer to X-Men please~)with his explosive cards. I don't like to put my birthday on the table as stake. So, I don't vote, I don't gamble, what can I do? I know, let's go to K!!!
A bunch of friends celebrated my birthday at Kbox. They tried to make it a surprise party, but failed!!! LOL. But still a big THANK YOU to them for all the efforts.
730PM, after I had a light celebration with my family in the form of a dinner, I was picked up by my friends to Kbox, we sang and drank, and sang and drank, and time came when I feel the urge to release my dam. I went to the toilet. When I came out, I heard the P.A. said:"Get ready Room 63, get ready Room 63." I was like:"huh? That's our room, are they kicking us out?" I ran back to the room and saw 2 chaps outside our room, holding a cake and sparkling juice. LOL. The process was funny but memorable. Thanks again everyone! Here are some pictures of what happened that night.

From Mom and Dad.

A snapshot before the big blowoff.

Fruit cake. Yum yum~

The King and his cake. Hehehe~

Group photo

Another group photo

Biting my chocolate key off.

Opening my present...guess what's inside?

It's a piggy bank!!! I've been looking for one for a long time.

For all that bombshells, there's nothing left to say, but goodbye! (Air Supply-Goodbye)

ryo signing off, simple celebration, I like...Too bad I gets older after each celebration...T_T

11 August 2010

Liquidized Avocado

What's this? You asked?
It's Avocado in liquid form. Marvelous, isn't it?
It tastes so damn good that you'll fall in love with it for the sake of damn. Well, the taste is like smoothy, very smooth, so smooth you'd imagine that it's double cream. But it's not. The thing gets better if you would pour some chocolate cream into it. Mmmm~
Tempted? I am evil, so I'll just let you savour the picture while I am enjoying it sip by sip. For all that bombshells I end this short update.

ryo, signing off, gulp~ gulp~ gulp~

28 July 2010

Random Access Post

Ouh~!!! No, I am not MJ, nor Indian MJ, I am just having a bad legs day(Bad hair day?), my legs are cramped as a result from climbing up and down flights of stairs on the Cruise on Sunday night...No, I am not blaming anyone, or is there anyone for me to blame? Hehehe...

And, out of my mind, I guess, I went jogging yesterday. I was thinking:"Hmm, cramped legs ain't so big deal, everything will be fine. I'll just run a few rounds. I mean, how hard can it be? And the story goes bla bla bla....and today arrived. I opened my eyes, with the sunlight that is capable of making vampires disappear filling my room, bit by bit, square inch by square inch. Oh wait, what's that crampy feeling down there?(No twisted thinking, people!) I think my crampy legs just got...worst. T_T

Lesson is, don't go jogging with a cramped legs. I think a 3 year-old lad knows this better than me, and I am almost 21!!! I am so pathetic. T_T Darn...I hate you ryo!!!


Internet in these few days sucks big time...I can't play my online game smoothly~ Definitely ain't smoother than MJ's smooth criminal!!! Please TM, I beggggg you~ Please fix the problem ASAP. I've been dying watching too much pps and pipi~


And hey girl, I think I missed you...

ryo signing off, OUH~!!! Don't make me walk the plank, with my crampy legs I'd rather jump...

27 July 2010

Slumber vs Games

Lack of quality sleep these few days due to gaming obsession, including games on Facebook. Dark circles are starting to appear around my eyes, just like how they got around my nipples. Wahahahaha!!! Face turning red? Please don't, cuz' I'll be too busy sleeping to notice that. I don't know when my head will fall off if I keep on alternating my sleep time with games, talk about a deal with the devil! I don't wanna be sleepy Hollow~!!! Nuuu Wayyy!!!

Guess I'll head back to Dreamland after this. I'm a sleepy snakey. Period.

ryo dozing off, it's 1.40pm, imma plugging my head off and sleep...

26 July 2010

First Cruise

Good morning Monday!!! Monday is nice when it's a holiday, cuz' i don't have to wake up early!!! If today's a schooling day I think I'd be screwed. Hell yeah, I went out till 2am last night. Went on board of the Sarawak River Cruise last night for free!!! Not to say entirely free, I have to help my friend for catering service on board. Here's some snapshots I took.

Nice eh?

Managed to phantomized myself.

Astana Buiding at night.

Courtesy to Kuan and Rick

The cruise was full with "VIPs", and it was an almost 2 hours trip, which is quite reasonable at the price of around RM40+, including buffet. It was a good experience, and I get to chat with my friend's girl staff, awww~ she's cute, too bad she's 15, kekeke, oops~ For all that bombshells it's time to say goodbye!

ryo signing off, featuring Bonnie Tyler "Total Eclipse of the Heart".

25 July 2010


I am so sleepy lately, something is wrong with me, i just feel like sleeping forever and never wake up...

I feel tired
I feel tired
I feel tired...

ryo signing off, wouldn't it be nice if i don't have to wake up?

24 July 2010

A "Wedding" to Remember

Holiday's been fine so far, except that something is missing, but I can't tell what it is. Hmm...
Confused, so I bought a Xbox 360 wireless controller for Windows to kill some time!!! (Lame Xcuse, huh? XD)
Muahahahaha.... Yeah, it's genuinely Microsoft and I can tell that it's hella expensive, RM210 for a wireless controller, a receiver, driver CD and manual booklets, all wrapped in a only-I-know-how-difficult-to-open packaging, quite a lot of stuffs eh? So good value? Don't think so. Yeah, and that's goodbye to RM210 that used to be mine once upon a time. Reasons for not buying the wired and cheaper pad?
1. Messy wire.
2. Wires will die very fast if they're not properly taken care of.
3. It's 21st century, people, talk about civilization!
4. Receiver is cool.
5. I like playing games 10 meters away from my screen, or in the toilet, tee~hee~hee~ Gothic!
6. I love to show off, and you can't do show off stuff with a bunch of wires, no homo.

The controller works fine, with precise buttons and ergonomic shape, allows me to battle all my way to victory in PS2 emulator~ The only problem with this thing is that Microsoft forgot to put and "OFF" button for this things, RM210 but no "OFF" button!!! What the hell? It's like making a Mercedes Benz luxury car that comes with airbags, leather seats, automatic gearbox, keyless entry and bla bla bla...except you can't turn the engine off. Well, in my case, all I need to do is to just take off the battery cover and put it back, job's done, certainly not graceful for something this expensive though. But, what happens if it's a car? Hmm....

In the old days I only get to see rich boys toying around with their brand new PS2. But now, eat dust, you bunch of losers, imma playing PS2 games on my PC, with my Xbox Controller!!! Wireless!!! Please don't go commit suicide, you PS2 hugging losers can go and beg your dad for some cash for a new PC and an Xbox controller, but make sure you know how to set it up, at least rocket-science intelligence, please, or else imma not going to pay for your loss...tee~hee~hee~ Talk about twisted mind!!! Gross~

Okay, for all that bombshells I shall end my short update, still in holiday mood, still in honeymoon with my "wife", who eats battery...

ryo signing off, long live wireless!

6 July 2010


放假咯~ 考了两个礼拜,现在终于自由了,享清福了。。。呸呸呸~ 还年轻呢!




ryo 曰:“面具里的我,你,看得到吗?”

29 June 2010

Reverse "b"

Saw this joke from nowhere, it's like this:

Two person chat on MSN.
One person showed d(^.^)b
The other one asked:"Hey nice one, how did you get that reverse "b"?
"That is called "d", you moron!"

ryo signing off, go re-learn your ABC laa!!!


Just finished my third paper for the final examination, one more to go!!!
But, what has this got to do with the title, you asked? Me cheating in exam? Nonono~ I am too noble for that. LOL!!!
Okay, the big idea was what happened in the exam hall today. I sat last in the first row, while "Miss Plagiarism"(NO name, please!)sat last in the second row. She was wearing a jacket, a yellow one. She wore it in a different way, covering the front of her body.
When the exam was on, when the invigilators were far from Earth(Errr, lecturers call this as "exaggeration".), when the lightning struck(Okay, this is too much!!! It's a sunny morning.), she, eventually, put her hands into her jacket and started searching for the notes,just like lucky draw, draw, draw, and draw till I can hear the paper screams. She then looked into her breast, O.Ops, jacket and started to copy from the note. When I noticed that, I was like WOW~ Geng ar~ First time see girl cheating in exam! New wonders of the world!!! LOL.
Then, Mista Sly Thought came to me mind and said to me:"You need a jacket, too!" Hey, that sounds great! But seriously laa, why cheat? Other than good grades and a guaranteed seat for the next semester, what else can you get? Satisfaction? Don't think so, unless she's a devil. But when I come to think of it, again, why not to cheat? Now, will you excuse me, I need to go and ask the devil in me for the answer, then I'll burn him to ash. Ngek ngek ngek~

PS: Mr. Sly does not refer to this Mr. Sly. XD

ryo signing off, time to get a jacket!!!

26 June 2010

Slack vs Laziness

Yay~ 2 more papers to go!
One on Tuesday, one on Friday and I am on my way to nirvana~!!! Hohoho
But people around me, they are all left with only one paper to go....how can the world be so unfair!!! Roar~
But the best thing about my exam timetable is that I am "gifted" with quite a large amount of slacks, which is also the worst thing if you zoom in on Google maps and look closer...With those slacks I am being kinda...lazy. Perhaps a little explanation will clear the fog. My test started on Thursday. So, I can study on the prior Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, isn't that great? No!!! On Monday, I stared at the notes on my PC screen and think:"I'll study tomorrow." And tomorrow never comes~ I thought about that for 3 consecutive days. LOL What was I thinking? See? Slacks are harmful for people who cannot utilize them properly, people like me! Hehehe, no laa no laa...I was known for my laziness since I was 7. And I can't seem to shake it off me, even though I know that it's bad to be lazy, I just allowed the darker part of me to get a hold of me, tight. Maybe I just need more motivation, maybe I just need the right person to come forth to me and "tasukete"!!! But for now, I'll just slack around for the search of hardworking cells in me. Ciao~

ryo signing of, slack is the root of all laziness...grrh I vil chop it off....lazy laa...maybe next time. =)

21 June 2010




20 June 2010



ryo, 想,为她披上白色婚纱。

16 June 2010



ryo signing off,继续赶报告咯~

15 June 2010

@ Toast Bar

Lately, my posts are getting shorter and shorter, I'm pretty sure there's a reason for this, but I can't seem to dig it out. And the biggest problem, they're all "emotized"!!! Dang~ Intruder alert!!! emo elf intruded my soul. Bad elf, bad elf~ Smack smack!
So, let's try post something that is not "emotized" tonight.
This morning I went to Toast Bar with Kuan, Fatt and Tony for a light breakfast (not so light after that...). It's my first time having breakfast over there. I would say that it's a nice place for breakfast gathering . The design concept is pro-Taiwanese restaurant style and best of all, Wi-Fi is available! Hooray~ (Can't explain why, but it seems that "Wi-Fi" is the mega phrase for Kuching people nowadays...woots!)
We arrived at around 1030 (for brunch, perhaps?). I forgot to take picture of the shop, my bad, maybe next time. Next bla bla bla and we're sitting inside ready to order.
First to arrived, Stinky tofu with butter kaya topping!!! Oops, paiseh, it's butter kaya thick toast. But seriously, stinky tofu was my first impression when it arrived. I was like:"wait a sec, who order tofu? No one ordered for tofu...". All in all, we ordered 2 sets of butter-kaya crossbreed, one set of butter-choco crossbreeda set of ham sandwiches, a peanut, fried eggs and half-boiled eggs. For the drinks, we had "yuan yang" (Coffee and tea crossbreed lol), Teh C Peng and Kopi O. Bla bla bla and we're done eating. I would say that their food are fine, but the waitress' attitude really need some modifications...at least tell us the names of the toast upon delivering the them laa, please laa...You don't expect customers to do experiments risking their taste buds in burst of flames, do you? Pfft~
Bill please!!!
OK laa, quite reasonable since it's air-conditioned with sofa and, Wi-Fi!!!
For all that bombshells, enjoy the only 3 pictures I took, cheers~
Butter-kaya stinky tofu~ Erm, I mean thick toast...

Butter-peanut, butter-kaya and butter-choco from left to right respectively.

"yuan yang"

ryo signing off, cya real soon Toast Bar!

13 June 2010


Another very very short update!!! Although I doubt if anyone will ever see this...hahaha

Wo.Oho.O...Final Exam is just around the corner, Fatality!!!

"Perhaps, it's time to die." - Enma Ai

ryo signing off, the end is near, nearer than expected...囧

18 May 2010



2 May 2010



29 April 2010



不过为什么这次觉得杰伦出辑已经没那么轰动了呢?没事,先听听首波主打歌:“超人不会飞”。四分钟四十二秒过了,怎么说呢?曲风有点像“听妈妈的话”,连歌词也有妈妈,哈!超人为什么不会飞呢?超人不会飞,怎样拯救世界呢?是太胖了?还是能力逐渐消失了?还是被现实给摧残了?哇北灾。听歌就好,不要讲酱多,呵呵呵~ 加油杰伦!!!

24 April 2010


哇~ 好久没回来看看咯~ 我的部落搁浅很久了吧?
安啦安啦~ 我回来了!!!
这次回来,顺便也替我的部落整容了一下,换上新的面貌. 好看吗? 若有任何意见,俺愿洗耳恭听哦!!哈!!
哎,读者们也应该跑光了吧? 之前的写部落之热退烧了吗? 我看到很多朋友的部落都长菇了...囧
从新部落名字开始吧,为什么叫芥末酱油呢? 昨晚刚看了全城热恋,我知道我有点过时...T_T 之前忙嘛~ 所以只能趁周末之隙看咯...电影落幕后,我才知道原来我酱爱看爱情片哦~ 故事很不错,只是有点乱,毕竟电影是围绕着一个城市里的四对情侣的发展的. 里面有一句对白: "wasabi 和 酱油,本来就是应该在一起...",我觉得这句对白很有意思,就录用了咯~ 因为我每次吃寿司,一定会把芥末和酱油混在一起哦~ 呵呵呵~
我啊,就好比酱油,一直躲在自己的黑暗里,因为我对我的周围毫无信心. 可能是从小被骂到大的关系吧? 所以我需要属于我的芥末来刺激我那几近销声匿迹的信心. 哈! 可是要找到适合的好芥末谈何容易啊?


30 January 2010

The melancholy on 30/1/2010

Okay, so everything begins with January again this year, i guess? Oops, January's coming to an end, my bad. 15 days to go before Mr. Tiger(Not Tiger from the Woods =x) is here to replace Mr. Ox as host of the year!!! Yeepy~
But, bad news, bad bad news as i read in some preditions on how the snake people(I am one of them~) will be doing in the year 2010, and i have to say, the prediction was really giving me nothing but beads of sweat~Lotsa bad news in erm...almost everything! Damn, this year is my Final Year to get my cert eh, dun play play, i dun wanna fail!!! I am looking forward to pass with flying colours arrr~
Nevermind, i'll just have to give my best shot to clear off those obstacles made of business subjects.

Let's just hope everything will be fine...
Speaking of CNY, i've got myself 2 sets of clothes, made out from a jean, short pant, and 2 yummy-looking Ts~Whee~ But i wonder if 2 sets are enough.....hmmm..... Maybe i should get one more set...hehehe
For all that bombshells have a nice day!!! :D

ryo signing off, am trying to convince myself life is not all about love...

29 January 2010


I see spider webs!!! I see mushrooms!!! I see birds' nest!!! Wait, there's no birds' nest...
But, i don't know what to post...hmmm...
