19 November 2010

Gunpla interest gone? For good? For bad?

I hate to say this but it's true, I think I've lost some of my passionate souls in Gunpla-ing.
How can this be happening? @@
I like Gundam, and I sure love fixing them from scratch. Usually I will get my gunpla fixed as soon as I bought it from the hobby shop. But lately, terrible things happened...It's almost a month already yet the premature gunpla is still far from completion!!! I mean, I got my 00 and Exia R2 Gundam fixed fresh out from their four-point harness incubators. But this time, it's just...worrying.

Left: Exia R2 @ Right: OO

The premature Gundam has a name , though. It's called Cherudim Fighter GNHW/A. Yup, it's a knockoff from GaoGao, because things made in China are always cheaper than things made in Japan. And so I surrendered for the sake of cheap and cheerful~ (Actually, it's not cheap at all, I paid RM22 for the knockoff...T_T)
The real stuff would cost me around RM70+, but if I'd be given a chance again, I wouldn't buy it at all, not even the knockoff one, cuz' it's not the model that I really fancy...I have no idea why I bought it at the first place...
Anyways, check this out!!!

The long awaited MG OO QAN[T] is out!!!
Deeply in love with this kit, will get it soon, for sure!

ryo signing off, feel like giving away the knockoff Cherudim when finished. Adoption, anyone?

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