21 November 2011

光棍诗 (抄来的)




Ahhh...Monday has come to report duty again.
Was stuck in jam on the way to work, thought that the beginning of school holiday is the end of traffic jams, guess I was wrong. Hahaha the jam caused me 5 minutes late when I finally reached the office. Yeap, I am typing this in the office, in front of the laptop on my desk right now, resulting from the outbreak of an unique syndrome known to majority of the Earth's population as Monday Blue. Hmmm...I wonder why I can't find the element "Blue" till this very day...Perhaps I have Colour blindness to blue colour. Oh whatever.
Had a busy week last week, the orders are coming in, finally, for cash's sake I can finally claim my commission. Sent so many quotations out, but due to the delay of budget distribution this year, some even got their budget sliced. =( Therefore many quotations failed to reach approval on the hands of our clients. RIP you army of rejected quotations. But luckily, I managed to get feedback from some of the quotations that survived the waves of economic crisis. Hopefully there's more to come. ^^
Great Scott!!! I haven't renew my driver's license and it has expired on the 19th November 2011, and today's 21st November 2011! Better go and renew it later. No thanks Police Officer, I do not want to buy your overpriced paper, I am fine with my good old tissue paper.
Next Sunday and Monday is a public holiday, again!!! Whee~ And we'll wave goodbye to November. Time warps huh? In a blink of an eye one month is gone, just like that. I wonder what will happen if I blink 2 eyes...Anyway, December is gonna be fun, at least for me, cause' I plan to do something stupid. Like what? Well, for example...a confession, maybe? I'll leave the question mark and stop right here. Adios!

ryo signing off, I Heart You, December.

16 November 2011


9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

13 November 2011



用微笑悉数生命,不是眼泪。(Count your life by smile, not tears.)
用朋友悉数岁月,不是年份。(Count your age by friends, not years)


11 November 2011


星期五晚上又来了,睡眠你就迁就一下,牺牲吧!老子今晚要通宵上网看节目!哇哈哈哈哈!不写啦,不写啦,大家晚安!记得要去看哦,这么赞的电影不去看真的很可惜,虽然上映前说什么在大马被列为三级片因为里面有骂脏话和一些,嗯。。。不雅动作的画面,可是年轻人不就是任性与叛逆的最佳代言人吗?哈哈哈~ 总之,九把刀导演,我向你行礼,太赞了啦!


5 November 2011

November New Haul

Have always wanted an external HDD, but I don't know which brand I should go for, so during the funding stage, I made a lot of research, checked on written sources on the Net, comparing brand to brand, stalked in  forums and watched countless video reviews.
It actually took me years to sum up my research and buy my first external HDD, call me stingy if you want, but I don't like to hand over my hard-earned cash to the unknown.
I went and bought it (FINALLY!!!) last week @ PC Image Saberkas, asked the salesperson to recommend me the best out of my two choices, let's call them brand T1 and T2 because they both start with "T" in their brand name. The salesperson recommended T1 to me. When asked for reason behind the recommendation, he told me it's a new product. =.=''' Dude, c'mon, who told you the word "NEW" = "GOOD"? At first my heart was set at T1 because it's available in WHITE while T2 is only available in black. But after some on the spot RE-comparison between the T1 and T2, T2 came out, surprisingly, as the one I took home with me.
You might think that "Why go through so much fuss to buy a HDD? How hard can it be to just pick any one of two and pay?" Well, it's pretty hard, you see...T1 is priced at RM229 and comes with just the cable, T2 is RM228 and it comes with a cable and a pouch! Both of them are good, but Mr."Value for $$$" managed to grab my neck and pointed a gun on my forehead as he walked me to the cashier. So I ended up taking T2 home with me, and I am so lovin' it and glad I chose it.
Attached are the pictures, have a quick glimpse, enjoy!

Identity revealed!!! 

It's a Transcend 500GB, for your info. ^^
And MADE IN TAIWAN. (I think T1 is not, period. XD)

For all that bombshells, bye!

ryo signing off, 80GB occupied and still growing.

1 November 2011

Revoltech Danboard Review

As promised, the long-awaited review has arrived. Sorry I took such long time to accomplish such minute task. 
Anyway, it's here! 
Welcome Danboard!
First, let's start with the origin. This is made by "Kaiyodo Revoltech", a Japanese company that specializes in figure and model making. Yes, this is Made in Japan stuff. And that means it's not cheap at all for such small figure (13cm). Found this on a online shop and it is the second last box, the other being bundled with a weird figure for sale as a set. I don't want the other figure, so I took this. I was almost too late to place order, as there are several people who enquired about this just minutes after I had it booked. Phew. Price? Let's keep that a secret, shall we? But, I have to say that I bought it at the right time just before the price went boom, for this item is discontinued, and that means this is limited in number. And I live happily ever after... o.O
Cut the crap, let's go straight into the review.

Front view.
2 circles + 1 triangle = Innocent

 The back of the head, looks just like a box.

Detachable arms.



Gather all the parts and we are ready to roll!

Insert the legs into the 2 holes at the bottom.
I know, I know, I know I sounded pervert in this, but that's the fact. 囧

Ahhh it can stand!

Fit the arms nice and tight.

Side view.

And we're done! NOT!!!

The "real" finished product.

Front shot.

Side shot.
That little distraction you see there is a switch, I'll save that for later. Tsk.

Rear view, rather plain.

Posing! This is the most extreme pose that it will and can do...

Remember the switch back then? Danboard's darkest secret unveiled!!! Muahahahaha~

Okay it's for the LEDs in the eyes.
They're pre-built, so I can't show them unless I crack the head open, which I will never do. Never, you hear me? NEVER!!!

Coz this is Thriller! I mean Danboard.

Close up shot.

This is how it looks like in the dark.

Danboard tried imitating scene from "The Ring", climbing out from a TV/ Monitor.

Height comparison with a bottle of midget.

With a Pen. And the midget bottle.

Comparison with Bearguy.

Comparison with SD Zaku II.

RAWR~ Talk to the hand!

You, yes you! Give me a coin.

Well, that basically ends my review for this kit, it does come with a head sculpt of the girl Miura, but I don't really bother about it, because I won't swap the boxy head for the human head anyway. Ratings? I will give it 8/10, 2 missing marks for missing articulations, otherwise I am very satisfied with this figure. For all that bombshells, good night!

ryo signing off, Danboru Banzai!