29 August 2011

Holiday Mood.

Okay...I guess it's time to update my deserted blog again. During working hour? Nuh...I am on leave for this whole week. No, I am not a Muslim, so I am not celebrating Hari Raya, but I work in a company of Muslim, and there goes the after effect - I got involved in the holiday frenzy of the company. Originally, my boss, who is a Muslim, said that our branch should only be closed for 2 days, 3 days at most. That's when the good (I mean BAD) news pours in, we're forced by the HQ in KL to take leave for one week. Dang!!! What can we say? Hahaha~
However, the part time job goes on unaffected by the Raya frenzy. Well, at least I got something to keep me occupied, rather than I just sit home and type my blog till the Mayan calender ends. Oh well, SELAMAT HARI RAYA to those celebrating the event and Happy National Day, or should I say Peaceful National Day? Wait, I will ask our PM about this, although I think I would get dragged away by a bunch of armoured pubes before I have any chance to spot the PM...Hey, it's not like my name ends with Laden nor starts with Oba....Osama! Yes, Osama. C'mon Ajib Gor, show some balls will ya'?
Yes, not only 31 August is a big day to our Nation, it's also a big, sad day for me. It's the first MIA anniversary of my first bought-with-own-money phone. I will never forget the day it got stolen in Sushi King of The Spring outlet. Miss you baby, hope you're doing fine with your new owner. You've been a great company for me.
Of course I have a new phone now, but how can I ever forget my first "real" phone? It will always have a special place in me. ^^
And I haven't got time to do the Danboard review! Never mind, there's always next time. To infinity and beyond!

ryo outside, Woohoo~ A toast for the one week break!

20 August 2011



ryo 上,不要下雨啦!

9 August 2011


今年开始正式踏入社会啦,不想忍老也得认啦,不年轻了,年少轻狂这四个字已离我远去,因为它们知道我已失去价值了,我已近不是那位十八,十九岁,爱开玩笑的那个Ah Pek了,人啊,始终会改变,就看几时改变了,不能再相信“永远”这俩字了。
我啊,老实的说,没谈过恋爱,一次都没有,不是“基”啦。。。=.=''' 以前有暗恋对象,但都因为我的懦弱草草结束,爱人在明,我在暗,结果眼睁睁看着她被别人牵走,对不起啦,我就是对自己缺乏信心,不相信有能力成为她的一切,正常嘛,那个时候边上课边打工,没时间,有时间也没钱,没车,怎样拍拖?哈哈哈。。。想想看,也很庆幸我当初懦弱,没追上,要不然现在可能连普通朋友都没办法当了。不是缺乏信心哦,我只是看得比较远。。。老派?那叫安全!哈!现在有工作可以找了,现在啊?现在没有拍拖的心情了,人家现在对我的态度还是跟四年前一样,不冷不热,可能人家不喜欢小男生吧。。。
老爸老妈再过多几年就退休了,我作为长子和独子的迟早得扛起这个家的责任,所以啊,要好好加油啦,人生短短几十年,不做事情闲着干啥?我不相信命运,我只相信努力,实力。就算现在努力不被人看好,可是至少比我什么都不做好。累死让人悼,饿死让人笑。这是俺自创的座右铭哦,别乱乱抄哦~ XD

ryo上,我升级Android 2.2了,祝我老日快乐!爱你们!

First sickness of the year

I am sick...as sick as a pig with bird flu...
It's not easy working with 2 jobs at the same time huh?
And the weather in Kuching is just...Damn you Tata Huarya, don't change the weather according to your mood please...
I started to feel ill since last Saturday, and it got worst yesterday even my Boss also said: "AIYO~" that I had to apply sick leave for both jobs. I went to see the doctor and got diagnosed with throat inflammation, cough and flu, so I was given 2 days of sick leave. Today is the second day, hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
Am feeling weak, so for all that bomb shells, I shall continue my recovery slumber...

ryo signing off, working with 2 jobs is not easy lor...But money is just so tempting.

3 August 2011

Recent Haul.

Yay!!! I am getting my Danboard!!! It's on the way here!!! Muahahahahaha~ I was quite lucky because it's the last one in stock.
Okay, so what's a Danboard? Here's some history lesson. Danboard was originated from a Japanese manga entitled "Yotsuba&!" (The "&" is pronounced as TO, not the English "to".). It's made from card board, and card board in Japanese is called "Danboru" hence the name Danboard.
And about the lucky thing? Well, it's a discontinued item, so I think I'd have a grab on it. Don't worry, I will do a review here when I got my hands on it. Hehehe...
Here's a picture of Danboard, in case the rather short history lesson failed to knock some sense into you...
Isn't she cute? Yes, it's a she. Will explain in the upcoming review. =)

ryo signing off, Danboru Banzai!

1 August 2011


哇哇哇~!!! 我又来了!
我正式工作满一个月了!今天去户口那里看看,哇塞,进钱了!$_$ 哇哈哈哈哈~
时间过得真快,转眼就一个月了。这个月林北也会好好加油地,没错,为了你,就是你,林北最爱的相机!啊不然?林北都没有女朋友,当然有额外的零钱存起来买东西咯~ 呵呵呵~ 不是不要找,也不是“基”哦!只是找不到人要。。。哈!
工作目前还算满意,唯一的不满就是老板好像不打算送我去总公司进修哦,听同事说之前的员工曾被派往吉隆坡受训三个月。厚。。。林北也要去啦。同事告诉我公司最近在减低开销,可能是这个原因吧。可是林北觉得这么做不妥当吧?如果我缺乏产品的知识,那如果医生护士问我机器如何操作,我该怎样指导他们呢?最后只会让公司蒙羞吧?老头子,再考虑考虑吧~ 哈!
好啦,现在可以规划买新鞋新衣了,想去烫个爆炸头,却被老爸泼冷水警告,阿娘喂~ 那我剃光头当个花和尚行吧?

ryo上,善哉善哉,俺已看破红尘。。。*敲敲敲木鱼* 俺的啤酒嘞?