9 August 2011

First sickness of the year

I am sick...as sick as a pig with bird flu...
It's not easy working with 2 jobs at the same time huh?
And the weather in Kuching is just...Damn you Tata Huarya, don't change the weather according to your mood please...
I started to feel ill since last Saturday, and it got worst yesterday even my Boss also said: "AIYO~" that I had to apply sick leave for both jobs. I went to see the doctor and got diagnosed with throat inflammation, cough and flu, so I was given 2 days of sick leave. Today is the second day, hopefully I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
Am feeling weak, so for all that bomb shells, I shall continue my recovery slumber...

ryo signing off, working with 2 jobs is not easy lor...But money is just so tempting.

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