27 February 2011


对心爱的女人说:“我爱你。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“你八十了我对你也有激情。” - 有几个男人会?

对心爱的女人说;“你是我的唯一。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“结婚后不管有没有孩子,我对你的好始终如一。” - 有几个男人会?

对心爱的女人说:“你很漂亮。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“你,两眼生的有点开,有点想比目鱼。” - 有几个男人会?(例子)

对心爱的女人说:“嫁给我吧。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“我们试婚,跳过新婚,跳过七年之痒,跳过中年,直接就试晚年相依为命。” - 有几个男人会?

对心爱的女人说:“你戴上那钻石项链真漂亮。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“什么都别戴了,那才叫自信,就你一个都比全世界的首饰来的昂贵。” - 有几个男人会?

对心爱的女人说:“我这一生只会碰你一个,你是我的最爱。” - 每个男人都会。
对心爱的女人说:“就算感情变淡了,我还是会对你不离不弃。” - 敢问,有几个男人会呢?

26 February 2011

HGUC Sinanju Part 4 (Finale)

The height of the Sinanju kit is just amazing for a 1/144 scale~

Still taller than the Gouf, even in squatting mode.

And the height issue showered Gouf with pure jello of jealousy that he's planning something sly...
Watch out Sinanju!

Wadaya' think ya' doin?
Erm, nothing...

The overlord of height, or overload?

Exia looked like a midget in here...=.=

Errr, what's behind me?
Blackout followed by a slash and sound of spilling mechanical fluid and infinite clank of machinery parts...Exaggerated. LOL

ryo signing off, Gold Frame next!

22 February 2011

HGUC Sinanju Part 3

So, here's part 3 of my "Red Comet" project.
Let's start from the upper part of the body.

Comparison with the gouf of the same scale, 1/144, that is.
Sinanju's slightly taller.

Bulkier as well.
I love monoeye! ^^

Waist section.
It seems that Sinanju is almost bigger in erm, EVERYTHING?

Some touch up work for the thrusters, with my beloved gold gundam marker, of course.

Is it just me or this thing looks like an angry pincer-less mecha crab?

Comparison of the legs~
This is where the Sinanju towers over the pathetic gouf.
Out of the way, shorty!

Articulation? Almost the same... =.='''

Don't know why I did this, I just did it.

Put all of the parts together and let's welcome the arrival of the long-awaited "Red Comet"!

Jeng jeng jeng jeng~
Dub, dub dub, dub dub...

Owh this looks familiar!

I'm bringing sexy back~

Front view, it's ready to launch!

Ending pose.
Fully equipped and ready to blast that pathetic Banagher and his animal gundam!!!

ryo signing off, sieg ZEON!!!

21 February 2011

Numb Me

People ask me, how can you be so ignorant about everything that happens around you. For example, I am eating out with my friends, somebody whacked a plate, or a glass, or anything that is fragile, normal people would turn their heads over to look at the source of the noise, yet I would just continue to eat without even bother about stretching my neck muscles to give a damn look.

Answer is simple, I am not ignorance, but NUMB. I mean, what's wrong with being numb to all those minor stuffs that happen in life? It's not like the world is coming to an end if someone accidentally broke a plate, or a glass, or anything that is fragile.

I am not going to pay on behalf of that person, because I have nothing to do with that, and since I have nothing to do with that, why should I be bothering myself about turning my head over to look at the unfortunate individual? That, in my point, would make the situation tougher for the individual. Imagine you broke a plate in a restaurant and everyone is looking at you, how would you feel? Bang! Gotcha huh? If not, close this page and continue browsing your favorite "TwitFace" page.

So, next time when somebody broke a plate, or a glass, or anything that is fragile, do not be a "kepo", or busybody to make people feel more embarrassed. Unless a scream comes after the resonance of the shattered plate. Period.

ryo signing off, I broke a plate too, in my house, but no people bother to look at me. Strange huh?

18 February 2011

HGUC Sinanju Part 2

Okay, time to paint and assemble some of the parts!

Chest piece and collars painted.
Not bad for a first-time painter huh? Hehehe~

(Left) Head's up!
(Right) Shaved quite a lot of the mask in order to make the monoeye visible. The problem with all Sinanju kit is the hidden eye, which is very very different with the primary design.

Primary Design of the Sinanju.

(Top) Painted the black parts and yellow parts into gold on the waist armor.
(Bottom) Painted the lines on the shield as well. Added clear yellow effect parts to make that "Zeon-ish" look.

A touch of gold paint on the rifle to spice thing up a bit.

Painted the spikes with gold and gave the thrusters some gold touch up.
Geez...Try to count the word "Gold" in this post, including this one. LOL

The main equipment of the Sinanju
(Left to Right) Rifle, Shield, Beam Saber.

Next up, Assemble time!!!

ryo signing off, GOLD~

16 February 2011

HGUC Sinanju Part 1

It's the Sinanju, the red comet, you can't defeat it!!!

Finally, time to work on the Sinanju. I feel so sorry for leaving it aside for such a long period after the date of purchase. But, I do have a good reason for my action - I want to paint it!!!

Most gunpla builders start according to the manual, but not me. I start off with what I want to build. The first thing I build was the head, yet I forgot to take picture of it... =.= But you can take a peek at my gouf custom post to have a look. ^^

So, what's next? The backpack, of course!!!

Did some gold paint job on the thrusters.
Angel's wings, anyone?

Side view.
Some panel-lining on the red runners and the fuel tank.

Rear-side view.
Gold thrusters~ I "LIKE".

Took me almost 3 hours to finish the backpack, that include cutting everything off, sanding parts to make them look smooth (Did a bad job on the fuel tank, though...^^), painting, lining and putting them together. However, the end result is quite "OK GOOD". LOL...

And that wraps up my first review on the Sinanju, bye~

ryo signing off, The red comet is coming!!!

9 February 2011

A Gouf that doesn't Goof.

Jeng~ jeng~ jeng~ jeng jeng jeng~ jeng jeng jeng~ jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng jeng~
No, it's not Darth Vader, it's not Luke Skywalker, it's Gouf Custom!!!

My 5th badass-looking member of collection from Bandai.
It's awesome and not pocket-burning, so I bought it. Period.
Did some custom gold painting to it to make it more special...
So, it's now Gouf Custom CUSTOM~ Muahahahaha~

Normal Gouf Custom (Yawn~)

I come with an eye. =.='''
Gouf: See what see? Chop u ar!!!
ryo: Sorry boss. *Cover eyes*

Muahahahaha, I got Sinanju on my knee!!!
Piu~ piu~ piu~
And the shooting goes on...

ryo signing off, model building is fun, but it's a pain in the hands...Ouch! Bloody hard keyboard. I shall pour some acid to soften you... *Grin*