However, the part time job goes on unaffected by the Raya frenzy. Well, at least I got something to keep me occupied, rather than I just sit home and type my blog till the Mayan calender ends. Oh well, SELAMAT HARI RAYA to those celebrating the event and Happy National Day, or should I say Peaceful National Day? Wait, I will ask our PM about this, although I think I would get dragged away by a bunch of armoured pubes before I have any chance to spot the PM...Hey, it's not like my name ends with Laden nor starts with Oba....Osama! Yes, Osama. C'mon Ajib Gor, show some balls will ya'?
Yes, not only 31 August is a big day to our Nation, it's also a big, sad day for me. It's the first MIA anniversary of my first bought-with-own-money phone. I will never forget the day it got stolen in Sushi King of The Spring outlet. Miss you baby, hope you're doing fine with your new owner. You've been a great company for me.
Of course I have a new phone now, but how can I ever forget my first "real" phone? It will always have a special place in me. ^^
And I haven't got time to do the Danboard review! Never mind, there's always next time. To infinity and beyond!
ryo outside, Woohoo~ A toast for the one week break!