18 September 2008

My clock ain't ticking well...

Fleas! Fleas! So many stress fleas, wakao! eElp~
Wait a minute, what happen? I am not feeling alright, something is wrong with my body!


After several analysis done by myself, i knew that my biological clock is damaged, serious, but not that severe, though.

The main cause could be my nightlife. I am sure. I've been sleeping late lately, sometimes very late...not because i don't want to sleep, but insomnia is infecting my biological CPU, so how to sleep leh i ask u? T.T

Knowing my own problem, i started a mission to rescue my pity body, known as Operation Sleep Early! Hahahaha!

Do hope the plan works, or else i will end up like this...(shivering....)

ryo signing off, the clock is ticking...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.