It's just minutes away from your birthday, and i am feeling nervous, cuz this year i will say something different to you, a longer, more meaningful message i shall post on ur Facebook wall. Readers, don't get me wrong, i am not gonna confess, me ain't that brave de....kekeke. It's just that previous years the birthday wishes that i've posted for her were too simple and erm, too consistent, yes, that's the word. Example?
"Happy Birthday, happy always!" Tell me u won't punch me if u were to get the same birthday wish from me every year....ouch, who punched me?
LOLWhat happened to you these few days? I've only banned myself from Facebook for a few days and when i've decided to go back for a peek (bo bian also, a Facebook addict i already am one. XD), what i saw on ur status updates, they are all moody!!! Please, don't be moody ler okay? Birthday girl should be happy and looking forward for a great celebration with frenz. Please smile or i'll make you do so.....oh no u wouldn't want me to do it, cuz u'll end up laughing like those living in the asylum, haha. Cheer up, girl! I know you're strong and tough enough to face the obstacles before you, or else u wouldn't come here to study maa....right? :)
So, happy birthday and happy always.....damn, nonono, erm.....
Happy Birthday to the cutest, hottest and sweetest girl on Earth, who makes my heart trembles, who makes my lips wobble, who makes my dreams sweet, and lastly, the one who makes my day. Oops, look at the time, time's up!!! Time to post on your wall!!!!
ryo signing off, sick......with love.....LOL feat. 苦茶-棒棒糖