8 July 2008

"Finale". Part 1

Finally, it hits the shore!

It's not a bird,

it's not a plane,

it's my final exam!

Yup, 2day is the 1st day of my Final exam....1st subject--->DBI 1114-GENERAL ENGLISH 1 (It sounds lame and dull, yuckx!!!)

muahahahaha....but i don't know what to study, so i made no preparation for the subject at all, meaning no revision on GE1,hehehe...(i just came out frm the exam hall when posting this, laughed coz i know i will pass de...lol)

Oh boy, one shall never know what is the feeling i felt when i put down my pen and ask the invigilator to come and collect my paper....only one word to describe it----"SSONG" arh~!

Arh~too ssong until dunno wat to say liao....

Better prepare for tomorrow 1st...

For all that bombshells, i end my post.

Good day! ^^

ryo signing off, thinking that he is going to pass with walking color....

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