25 June 2011

To you, yes, you!

Dear anonymous friend and colleague,

Our candle of fate is running out of wax to keep on burning. It's good, at least I don't have to suffer any longer. You just don't see how painful I am every single time when your guy showed up, it cramps like hell in the chest when I see the intimacy in the air between you and him. I know it's not possible for us, well at least for the time being, but that is just not good enough to relieve my pain, because still, I am mere human, things might go easier on me if I am blind, though. Guess I will just lock my heart in a chest like Davy Jones did and be a friend to you, at least when you're still far from being single. I don't like to go in and sabotage other people's relationship because karma is a bit*h...Hahaha. 4 years, long time aye? Not sure when I'll see you again, but it was a nice experience meeting you and you've gave me a great test to further strengthen my mentality. I hereby wish you the best in your studies abroad and happy life ahead, doubt that you'll be reading this, though... ^^

With love,

ryo signing off, a toast for friendship! =)

10 June 2011



6 June 2011

Near Death Experience

I don't know if any of you ever had any near-death experience before, but I know I had, not one, not two, but a few cases. I have no idea why this came up to my mind all of a sudden, maybe I am old enough to be afraid of dying. Hahaha... The first incident took place when I was 13 years old, my friends and I decided to go to the cyber cafe near our school for a match of Counter Strike game. Between us and the cyber cafe was a four-lane main road, two left, two right. However, there's an extra third lane in the left side of the road for people to turn right to the other side. Things went smooth until we got to road crossing. I was kinda excited that time as it was my first time visiting cyber cafe, and I can't wait to get there. We had to cross the left lanes first, and since they were filled with peak hour cars, crossing was as natural as taking shit. My friends was ahead of me. When I passed the second aka the fast lane on the left side of the road, I didn't noticed that there was a car storming into the third lane for turning right. I was stunned, like those scenes in the movies when the people inside were about to be hit by a car. I was hit, right elbow, though...I managed to dodge a bit before the car hits me. I spun in the middle of the road surrounded by peak hour cars...Quite a shameful incident when I rethink about it. But I was lucky because it was a car, instead of a truck. Or else I wouldn't be here typing all these craps now...Haha

The second incident involved my bicycle. Eventually, I learnt how to ride bicycle in my teen-hood and start to go everywhere with it. That day, I went to school for curriculum activities and was on my way heading back home. I was riding near the pedestrian walkway, like how a good citizen should. I assumed that on that day the city council sent people to trim the trees alongside the road because there were branches all over the side of the pedestrian walkway, some fell onto the main road. I wasn't riding quick, but all of a sudden a quite-thick branch just appeared in front of me and made me tripped. I wasn't able to stay balance and I landed on the road like a flying squirrel, yes, that kind of pose. -___-''' The road condition was kinda fast and furious by that time with cars driving at around 60-70kph speed. The truck behind me honked at me as I quickly get up and pulled my bike on to the pedestrian walkway, or else, I wouldn't be here by now...Lucky me. =)

The third incident also involved my bicycle. I used to ride bicycle to school early in the morning when I was in Form 4 and 5. That day, I went out like I normally do, the weather was cool and nice but quite dark...No dogs or women chasing me like usual, nice day I supposed. DANG! I was wrong. That time, Premier 101 was still under construction, and the roads were covered in dust and sand, so it was kinda slippery, a bit too slippery. I was riding umm...quite fast, well at least faster than a fart. When I reached the Y junction connecting me to the main road, I forgot to slow down because on normal days the road condition is good for a high speed turn. Oh well, you know, teenager mind, speed was everything~ Vroom vroom~ It was a mistake, my tires gave in and in the next second, I was on my way sliding to the middle of the road, together with my bicycle. Did I die got crushed under tires? Obviously no. As I said, it was early in the morning and I was extremely lucky and thankful at the same time because Kuching people wake up late. Or else I would have been six feet under, watching living dead genre movies by now. There was no car in the middle of the double-lane road. Can't imagine what it would be like if there were...It was a straight road all the way from the Jalan Song traffic light and if you're lucky, you can reach 70-80kph before you reach Premier 101. So, thanks a bunch, Grim, for not taking my breathe away. =)

I never told this to my parents, and not many friends know about this either. But I have decided to write it out and save this memory on the Internet so that one day I can remind myself that I almost died for 3 times, just in case I forgot. I was wondering, what if I died in one of those three incidents, what will happen now? Will people still remember me? Will my parents get over my death? Will the world be a better place? But if I died, I won't be able to write this now, I won't be able to buy gunpla, I won't be falling in love with girls, I won't get to eat my favourite "Cai Tao Kueh", won't be able to experience the wonderful things I experienced till now and I won't be able to see my family and friends anymore. I don't want that to happen, even though I do feel like to just die in a random way sometime. But I will leave that to Grim now, he's in charge after all... ^^ Guess I'll stay a lil' bit longer to ruin humanity some more...Muahahaha~


ryo signing off, Will there be a fourth one? =.='''