21 November 2010


Hey, I just wanna say....
Prom suX without you...
I should have cancelled my plan of going to the prom when you rejected my offer in the first place...
It's not a prom without you, it's just an ordinary dinner with band performance and boring fashion show...

Signing off, everything suX without you...

19 November 2010

Gunpla interest gone? For good? For bad?

I hate to say this but it's true, I think I've lost some of my passionate souls in Gunpla-ing.
How can this be happening? @@
I like Gundam, and I sure love fixing them from scratch. Usually I will get my gunpla fixed as soon as I bought it from the hobby shop. But lately, terrible things happened...It's almost a month already yet the premature gunpla is still far from completion!!! I mean, I got my 00 and Exia R2 Gundam fixed fresh out from their four-point harness incubators. But this time, it's just...worrying.

Left: Exia R2 @ Right: OO

The premature Gundam has a name , though. It's called Cherudim Fighter GNHW/A. Yup, it's a knockoff from GaoGao, because things made in China are always cheaper than things made in Japan. And so I surrendered for the sake of cheap and cheerful~ (Actually, it's not cheap at all, I paid RM22 for the knockoff...T_T)
The real stuff would cost me around RM70+, but if I'd be given a chance again, I wouldn't buy it at all, not even the knockoff one, cuz' it's not the model that I really fancy...I have no idea why I bought it at the first place...
Anyways, check this out!!!

The long awaited MG OO QAN[T] is out!!!
Deeply in love with this kit, will get it soon, for sure!

ryo signing off, feel like giving away the knockoff Cherudim when finished. Adoption, anyone?

18 November 2010

New Layout

Okay, changed new layout...Superb it looks, I think...At least this is better than the previous one, ya' know? The one with a green bird...Yeap, it's now flying sadly in the dimension of Internet trash which is full of deleted cookies and temporary Internet files...Muahahahaha~ I am evil, thanks for the compliment. =)

Right, get back to revision for tomorrow's Quantitative Analysis Test 2!!!
Cao peeps~

ryo signing off, brb, soon, I supposed...

14 November 2010




ryo上,任务完成,睡觉去咯~ zZzZzZ~

11 November 2010

156th, dedicated to you.

Argh~ Facebook keeps on showing your photo albums in the Friend's Photo Album section. Well, I don't hate that, it's just that that kinda reminds me of how pathetic I am on the quest to pursue your love. It's been three years since my love at second sight on you. For love at first sight haters, look carefully, it's LOVE AT SECOND SIGHT~ So it's not rubbish. Hahaha~
Ran a Facebook App to get a romantic message, and got this:

"If you are afraid to confess your love because of friendship, you are left with 2 choices. One, lose that friendship and bet on her love. Two, lose the love to maintain your "friendship" for the rest of your life.

I was gobsmacked when I saw that. It's true. I am trying so hard to be your friend when the only thing that I really want is your love. That, in English, is lying to myself. I've lied to myself for 3 years!!! But, I guess I'll keep lying and keep it all to myself until this heart dies, and watch somebody else snatches your heart away. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but I feel so shabby standing next to your charm, ya' know? It's like so close yet so far apart... The feeling, is like mix fruit punch, you can never tell what's inside. Yet, it would be nice if I can take a sip, just a sip eh? It's not wrong to dream...Hehehe~

Kaboom!!! I was writing this and you commented on my status! I supposed the Devil (Search for my status on Facebook for more info. XD) helped a bit too huh? Kudos to the coincidence! But too bad it's not the meeting that I have longed for so long. Anyways, it's better than nothing, better than multivitamins too!

ryo signing off, I need vitamin S...

10 November 2010

Overlap Post (It's boring, read it at your own risk! I've warned you...)

It's boring, boring and...boring.
Guess that's a good reason to blog in English in the middle of the night?
Wait, wadaya mean by no? What else can you do in between Wednesday and Thursday? In the late night, where boringness and sadness as well as loneliness found their ways out of their tombs? Thanks for the reminder, now I am starting to feel lonely, and I am sad because I can't call you, because It'd be awkward as I am not supposed to know your number, mainly because you never gave it to me, and that leads me to me and my boring assignments, and that leads me to this column I am typing now. See? I've typed almost a century of English alphabets out of boredom. Hands down to me!!!
It's 1150 now, almost Thursday. Let's recall a bit before the Wednesday goes to bed. Let see...I've wasted a bit of my Wednesday surfing Youtube, playing Backyard Monster, driving recklessly, fattening up myself and finally, blogging. It's actually a miracle that I didn't wasted my Wednesday for a nap today. I would have did that in the last Wednesday. WEDNESDAY, a magical day. I only have 2 hours of lectures on Wednesday. But I wonder why they were separated to a 1030-1130 session and a 130-230 session. Maybe it's because that they are 2 different subjects? Never mind~
1157. I need a 7 minutes gap in between timeline to complete the paragraph above!!! Looks like my English is going down the hill, straight into a endless canyon filled with Mandarin speaking ducks. Alas! Now I know why people call them Mandarin duck! Because they speak Mandarin. Simple.
Oh look, it's 1201, Happy Thursday. Good morning and perhaps it's time to continue my assignments. Be back soon, I promise, as soon as I managed to discharge my brain filled with 1.21 gigawatts of your images, and my dog's, you and him are kinda similar, ya' know? Quiet, cute, and....just kidding. Sweet Dreams.

ryo signing off, great scott!!!

6 November 2010


If you believe that you belong to him,
promise me that you will not let anyone hurt you.
But, please remember that I will always be here for you,
even if it kills me to see you in that wedding dress...

2 November 2010


星期四就要正式开会了,队员们还是不冷不热酱,加他们给idea都叫到偶快吐血了咯。 拜托,you people don't care about this meeting, but I do! In case you people need to be reminded, it's 25% we're talking about here, hello!!!
下个星期还有计算机程式要交, 后个星期又来一个团队presentation加报告,可是偶都还没开始做呢,然后还有一个还未发下来的电脑程式assignment。。。要命不要命?想酱多也没用,今天又发了新的Access Assignment。。。=.=''' 靠腰啦~
要不要都得做,要不然下个学期就是偶当Super Senior了。可是也太过分了吧,全部一起冲过来,你有看过武打片全部坏人一起上的昧?


1 November 2010


